Oil painting of the beach from sunrise to moonrise by artist Elizabeth Reed

Cathedral of the Pink Moon

Oil on Linen
10 x 40″

Cathedral of the Pink Moon

Oil on Linen
10 x 40″

Cathedral of the Pink Moon

Oil on Linen
10 x 40″

Cathedral of the Pink Moon was painted during a time of healing on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in Pompano Beach, Fl. The beach is a cathedral where all people come to regroup, think, and pray. When the pink moon rose on April 17, 2022, I was painting it.


This painting started en Plein air. I showed up to the beach (my very happy place) for three different sittings. I have worked on Cathedral of the Pink Moon off and on since 2022. I completed this stage in Maine – in a snowstorm!


This beach is ingrained in my mind. I know it like myself.

Practicing for Nyeopi in Bali

"Art hurts,

art urges voyages,

and it is easier to stay home."

Gwendolyn Brooks



Join me while I fly on the trapeze of life!

The greatest tricks are performed mid-air.

Follow my artist's journey

as I capture the spirit of people and places.

Alright! Let's Go! Andiamo!