The Friendship Sloop

The Friendship Sloop

The Friendship Sloop This chair’s illustration is dedicated to the history of the working sloop. The fishing buoys on the back are copied from South Bristol Fishermen’s Co-op. The fish are alewives that spawn in the Damariscotta River and are used as bait...

The Last of the Lupines

The Last of the Lupines Oil on Linen 9 x 12″ 2023 Purchase The Last of the Lupines The Last of the Lupines was painted at the Hay Conservation area in Bremen, Maine. The fields near the trail to the water fill with lupines in the spring. A fine reward for a long...

Pemaquid Point

Pemaquid Point Oil on Linen40 x 10″2022-23  Purchase Pemaquid Point Pemaquid Point could be the most photographed place in Maine. I hiked out on the rocks — dabbed a spot of orange at my feet so I could find it again for three days  — to paint this en Plein air....
Practicing for Nyeopi in Bali

"Art hurts,

art urges voyages,

and it is easier to stay home."

Gwendolyn Brooks



Join me while I fly on the trapeze of life!

The greatest tricks are performed mid-air.

Follow my artist's journey

as I capture the spirit of people and places.

Alright! Let's Go! Andiamo!